The CocoNuts, They save the Earth
green out loud
Working For Trees
save the planet
  • Reflection for Week 5!
  • {Wednesday, July 29, 2009
    Hi (: We the Pretty and Cute CocoNuts are back in action once again.

    Reflection for Week 5 :D

    What did your group have to work on?

    For past 2 weeks, we had to update our blog- post all our work on the blog. We also had to further improve our beautiful ideas into pretty and cute ideas. We also have work on our possible project product. From our ipw file, as stated there, we are making a visual/graphic presentation for our end product.

    What progress did your group make?

    We were able to complete our work on time and come up with even more pretty and cute ideas for our product. We are also doing well in coming up with pretty good ideas.

    What did your group learn or find about?

    We learn that by listening and giving ideas to one another, we are really making an improvement although it is a minor one. We are also working hard to ensure that we would not fail this project.

    What does your group need to do for the following week?

    We need to do more research, further improve our pretty and cute ideas into beautiful, pretty and cute ideas and also need to do more surveys on our project. We also need to do brainstorming on our project.

    -The CocoNuts!

  • Reflection for Week 3(:
  • {Tuesday, July 28, 2009
    hi, i am coconut and i'm pretty n cute )

    Week 3 Reflection! 8D

    What did your group have to work on?

    A group name, the gap analysis and project proposal form.
    In the gap analysis, we had to come up with key questions and problems because of Singaporeans not caring about their environment.
    In the project prososal form, we had to make a proposal and show our teacher. In the proposal, we had come up with answers to our key questions in the gap analysis. We also had to consider what form our product would be in(eg, model, visualisation..).

    What progress did your group make?

    We came up with many beautiful ideas like making a survey and many other beautiful ideas to solve our key questions.
    We came up with a cute and pretty group name.
    We also were able to come up with anything we needed to to complete our work.

    What did your group learn or find about?

    The pollutions that are caused by the works of men and how to work to the desired state we want- Singaporeans to care more about the environment. We also learnt how pollution affects the environment and everyone's lifes and why most Singaporeans do not take time to do their part and make an effort to help save Earth.

    What does your group need to do for the following week?

    We needed to make a blog, do more research and make some surveys on our project focus.

    We'll update more later aye ? Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao !
    - The CocoNuts !

  • the questions
  • {Friday, July 24, 2009
    I'm updating the blog on our project proposal form and key questions.

    Title of our project: CocoNuts, they save the Earth.
    Our project focus: Make people more aware of pollution.

    Our reasons for choosing this project:
    - Because we feel that Singaporeans do not know much about pollution.
    - They do not know that someof their daily activities will cause pollution.

    This project is linked to :

    • Pollution
    • Essay write out.
    • Statistics & percentage

    • Geography
    • English
    • Mathematics
    Key Questions:

    1. What can the government do to educate the people about their responsibility of the environment ?
    > Radio, television and media resources.

    2. What is the percentage of people who are not likely to be responsible ?
    > Survey and research

    3. What are the effects of the people who are not responsible about caring of the environment ?
    > Pictures, photos, information from the internet.

    4. How much do people really know about pollution ?
    > Campaigns

    5. How much percentage of pollution do people in this age group produce ?
    > Information form the internet and research.

    6. What can we do to stop people from polluting ?
    > Campaigns and internet.

    7. How do we teach this group about the consequences of pollution ?
    > Workshops

    8. What are the effects of a well-maintained environment ?
    > Pictures and photos.

    For more details or questions, please tag.

    - Azzyanti

  • Intro
  • {Thursday, July 16, 2009
    Welcome to the Pretty & Cute CocoNuts' blog. Its an IPW blog though.

    The CocoNuts:
    Azzyanti - Leader
    Arene - Recorder
    Irfan - Questioner
    Nick - Encourager

    Hope you enjoy the blog !

    - Azzyanti